Housing Rehabilitation
The Tiwahe Housing Improvement Program began in 2018 with funding from the Bureau of Indian Affairs that allowed us to repair homes on the reservation with approximately $50,000 per home. The work began beginning in the oldest quadrants of the reservation first. In 2019 and 2020, Colorado Health Foundation, Colorado Housing and Finance Authority, and Colorado Department of Local Affairs each contributed $300,000 to the Tiwahe HIP Program and the program was renamed Colorado Ute Mountain Helping Hands Home Improvement Program.
Colorado Health Foundation (CHF)
Colorado Health Foundation donated $300,000 to repair approximately 4 homes at $75,000 between 2022 and 2024. Overall CHF has provided more than $2.6M to the UMUT for broadband, food security, behavioral health and housing.
Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA)
Colorado Housing and Finance Authority donated $300,000 to repair approximately 4 homes at $75,000 between 2021 and 2023. Overall CHFA has provided more than $2M to the UMUT for comprehensive master planning and housing.
Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA)
Colorado Department of Local Affairs donated $300,000 to repair approximately 4 homes at $75,000 between 2022 and 2024. The Colorado Department of Local Affairs is the principal department of the Colorado state government.