Growing Ute
Growing Ute includes Tiwahe Initiative programs and services. Tiwahe (ti wah-hay) means family in the Lakota language and symbolizes the interconnectedness of all living things and one's personal responsibility to honor family, community, and the environment. The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Tiwahe Initiative and Growing Ute brand promote the holistic coordination of all services and programs for Nuchu.

Growing Ute Living Language
The Growing Ute Living Language Preservation Project was funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Energy and Economic Development Living Languages Program in 2021. The photography and contents of the book was captured by award winning photographer, Anthony Two Moons and The Language Conservancy. Beverly Santicola, of the Center for Rural Outreach and Public Services, Inc. (CROPS) facilitated the project in collaboration with Juanita PlentyHoles, Colleen Cuthair and Antoinette Porambo.
A quick reference guide to emergency services, behavioral health services, family services, health services, hospitals, medical insurance, tribal departments and youth development services.
Project PEAK After School Programs
Walking and Hiking
Walking and Hiking Outdoor Fitness Programs offers students quality time spent outside as they actively explore the natural world around them. Students learn about Ute culture, history, and language, as well as discover the importance of Ute plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables, and natural resources.
Native Cooking
The Ute Mountain Tribe has a long history of hunting, gathering, and farming which qualifies them to be considered some of America’s first great cooks. In our Native Cooking Classes students discover the Ute history and culinary culture from Ute elders and culinary Native American chef Malina Schweinert.
Digital Media
A variety of photography, filmmaking and digital storytelling activities are held each year in partnership with the Colorado Film Commission, Barcid Foundation, LA Skins Fest, and Anthony Two Moons. Film and book projects engaging youth and elders of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe have won over 50 awards.